Chronic Neutropenia resources

Not-for-profit organization that promotes awareness, education and research for patients and families with severe chronic neutropenia

International non-profit that represents people with primary immunodeficiencies

Not-for-profit patient advocacy organization that provides information and resources for people with primary immunodeficiencies (PIs)

International non-profit that represents people with primary immunodeficiencies

Not-for-profit organization devoted to early and precise diagnosis, meaningful treatments and ultimately cures for people with primary immunodeficiencies

Chronic Neutropenia and genetic testing

Genetic testing and clinical studies (research studies) help drive research and progress forward. Some people may get a genetic test for fun or because of curiosity. But for people living with a rare disease, genetic testing can provide answers that can result in a treatment change or help identify what clinical studies may be available for them. 

Educational site about genetic testing sponsored by X4 Pharmaceuticals

A no-cost genetic testing program, sponsored by X4 Pharmaceuticals in partnership with Invitae

Clinical research resources

A non-profit organization that strives to educate and inform patients, professionals, and the public about clinical research

The U.S. agency responsible for protecting public health by ensuring the safety, efficacy, and security of human drugs, biological products, medical devices and more

A global non-profit advocacy organization for individuals and families fighting rare and genetic diseases 

  • Free 12-lesson course for patients with rare diseases to learn more about clinical research and drug development

The U.S. medical research agency responsible for supporting scientific studies that turn discovery into health

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