chronic neutropenia study

What is chronic neutropenia?

Chronic neutropenia encompasses multiple different rare blood disorders that can be:

  • Inherited (called congenital or cyclic);
  • Immune mediated (called acquired primary autoimmune); or
  • Occur for no known or identifiable reason (called idiopathic). 

Neutrophils are a type of white blood cell that help the body defend itself against infections. People with neutropenia have a low number of neutrophils in the blood. When neutrophil counts are low, there is a greater risk of infections such as ear infections, pneumonia, gingivitis, skin infections, etc. 


Chronic neutropenia is diagnosed through a blood test.


Chronic neutropenia is a disease with few approved treatments, so more treatment options are needed. Current treatments include granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (G-CSF), an injection that stimulates neutrophil production, and intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIG), an infusion of antibodies to help your immune system fight off germs and disease. 

Study Sponsor

The chronic neutropenia studies are sponsored by X4 Pharmaceuticals, Inc., a pharmaceutical company developing treatments for diseases of the immune system, with a focus on rare diseases and those with limited treatment options.

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